La Parapharmacie
Golden Berries
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Product Details

Golden berries, also known as Incan berries or Cape Gooseberries, have been a prized fruit since the Inca civilization. They contain Fiber, Vitamin C, Iron and Potassium. Organic Traditions golden berries are vine-ripened to ensure the highest concentration of both nutritional vibrancy and flavor.

When harvested they are naturally dried to a soft, deliciously chewy texture. The taste is much like a tart raisin with both floral and citrus notes.

Suggested Use

Golden berries are ideal for snacks, cereals, yogurt, desserts, jams, chutneys, savory dishes, salads and smoothies. Organic Traditions Golden berries can be eaten alone as a delicious snack or combined with other Organic Traditions superfoods in order to create a nutritious trail mix. Add them to your favorite herbal tea for a touch of sweetness.
Make purées, spreads, jams and sauces.

Add them to raw superfood energy bars and cookies and use for baking.
Add 1-3 tablespoons of Organic Traditions Golden berries to your favorite smoothie recipe to create a nourishing antioxidant-rich smoothie.

Storage Information: Refrigeration not required.
Store in a cool, dry, dark place.


  • Certified Organic Golden Berries (Physalis peruviana)

Allergen Information: Produced in a facility that packages tree nuts (Almonds, Hazelnuts and Cashews).
The facility is dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free and peanut free.