La Parapharmacie

The Parapharmacy's catalog includes over 20,000 items from hundreds of carefully chosen brands. We keep in store over 2000 best-selling products. If the products you are ordering are in store, your order will ship on the same or next business day. Most other orders will ship or be ready for pickup within 2 or 3 business days.

Frequently asked questions

Why has there been a cancellation and a refund on my order or one of the products?

The product is temporarily out of stock or has been discontinued.

Why doesn't your website show a product is not avaiable?

Our suppliers are not in a position to let us know about product availability in advance.Just like you, we need to place an order to find out. If a product is discontinued or unavailable within 5 days, it will automatically be refunded.

How may I know when an out of stock product will again be available?

The best way is to contact the manufacturer directly. Otherwise, wait one or two weeks and place another online order with us If the product has still not returned, you will be reimbursed again.

If after a refund, my order goes under $ 100, will I lose my free shipping?

If the value of the rest of your order remains between $ 50 and $ 100, your order will still ship free of charge.Otherwise, the whole order will be cancelled and refunded in full.

You claim that the majority of orders are ready to ship or pickup within 2 or 3 business days. Why did I have to wait longer on my last order?

Some of our suppliers ship from Western Canada or the USA. If you order brands such as BioSteel, Botanica, Harmonic Arts, Himalaya, Microbiome Laboratories, PHP, Thorne, True Hope, Schinoussa, or custom homeopathic products, the delay may go up to 10 extra business days


If you are re-ordering a product, place your order before it is empty. You may also ask The Parapharmacy or your therapist for an alternative product in a brand that will ship sooner.

How does the pandemic affect my orders?

Besides creating a shortage of plants and other substances, the pandemic influences your orders by slowing down every part of the supply chain, including Canada Post services.

You have my products and I want them as soon as possible. Should I pay more for expedited service?

No! Even if you pay more, Canada Post has stopped guaranteeing faster delivery during the pandemic.

Does the pandemic affect the reception of my order?

Yes! Because the signature option is not available anymore, your parcel may be left at your door (with all the risks that this sometimes entails) or you may have to go to pick it up at the post office.


  • A tracking number is automatically sent to your email address when Canada Post scans your parcel. Go to the Canada Post tracking website and follow your order's progress in order to ensure someone is home at delivery time.
  • Use your work address for the delivery address.
  • Choose the pickup option. Your order will be prepaid, there will be no handling of card or money, and your products will end up home safely!