La Parapharmacie
Efamol Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg
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Suggested Use

Adults(Age 12 years plus): Orally take 6-8 capsules per day in divided doses with food or drink.
Children (Age 1 - 11 years old): Orally take 4-6 capsules per day in divided doses with food or drink.
For young children under 8 years old, empty content and mix with formula or food.
Maintenance dose for both age groups:
After 4-6 months, a lower maintenance dose of 2-4 capsules per day may be sufficient to keep symptoms under control indefinitely


Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist.
Although rare, sensitive individuals may experience minor and temporary headache, nausea, or gastrointestinal disturbances that can be avoided by a lower initial dose.
Discontinue use if skin rash develops or worsens


    Medical ingredients